Monday, December 26, 2005

The Presence of God

I've been thinking a lot about the presence of God. I've thought a lot about how we go to church to be in the presence of God. I love going to church and being with other people worshipping God together, there's something so special about that. But if we depend on that for the presence of God in our lives we are missing out on so much. There are times right now that I can be out in a store or whatever and I begin to feel the presence of God more than I ever have in a church building. David wrote something similar to this earlier, but it's on my mind so I want to write about it. We have to begin to understand that we are to be carriers of the presence of God. If I am really saved there should be light in me that shines bright enough in the darkness that people's eyes are opened and they begin to want that light. If I only display this when I'm in a church building, what good am I to the Kingdom? No good at all!

I sincerely want to understand that there is nothing good inside of me except for Jesus, and the fact that I am covered and purchased by the blood HE shed for me. I must have His increase in my life that I may that I'm not seen and HE is! I must truly understand that HE is with me all the time. I want to have nothing in me that is an offense to Him. I want to know Him. I want to open up His Word and have Him speak to me. I want to know Him more and more every day. I want this year to be the greatest year I have ever spent in his presence. I want my selfish desires to go away, and His desires to fill me up, that I might do the will of my Father. I want to be poured out as an offering that others my become hungry and thirsty for righteousness when they are around me.........for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

Even as darkness increases in this world, His light will shine all the brighter......His presence will grow. Light is so much brighter when it shines in the darkest of places. Let your light shine this year........spend time in the presence of God, and let Him change you from glory to glory!


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